- How much is a session and what is included?
All session prices can be found in the various buy now/book now sections on my website. All session fees do not include images or products, these are purchased separately after your session. Please read your preferred session on the buy now section to see what is included and what packages are available to purchace after your session. Sessions start from £100
- Does the session include all the photos?
The session does not include all the images taken at your session (edited or un-edited) together we will review all the images taken and you will select the images you would like to purchase. session fees do not include images. Please read the description on the session you would like in the ‘buy now’ section of my website before purchase to check what is included.
- When is the best time to have my newborn photographed?
Ideally it’s nice to schedule your newborn session within the first 4 weeks after a full term due date. It’s good to schedule a date before your baby is born for around 2 weeks from your due date and see how you feel once your baby is born, I can always move the date if needed.
However I can do newborn sessions up to 16 weeks, my sessions are always baby led, so not all poses are guaranteed regardless of how many weeks your baby is. Often more weeks means a slightly longer session and I am less likely to achieve many classic sleepy images with babies over 4 weeks, but it’s not impossible, either way I will produce beautiful images. Babies will always do what they want to do and I have years of experience and training in settling and posing babies. - When should I have my maternity session?
Ideally around 30-36 weeks it really depends on how you feel.
- What if I need to reschedule or cancel my shoot?
I require at least 48 hours notice if a session needs to be moved. Session deposit fees are non refundable but can be transferred to a different session within 12 months of purchase if needed.
If your child is ill/sick the night before or morning of your session, please contact me ASAP and I will move your session the best I can. I work with newborns so it’s important that you don’t bring any potentially infectious nasties into the studio. If a session is postponed without good reason with less than 48 hours notice your session deposit will be forfeited. - What if my baby is born late or early and I need to change my date?
I usually schedule your newborn session around 14 days from your due date, but sometimes babies don’t arrive on time so if you are over 4 days late just let me know and I will move your date. Usually if your baby arrives early we can stick with your date, unless I have something earlier, just let me know when your baby has arrived. If I haven’t heard from you, I will be intouch approximately 1 week before you session and give you the option of moving your date if you need too.
- What do I need to bring to my shoot?
I have an abundance of props and outfits at the studio including and wide selection of maternity/mummy dresses. I also have outfits for girls age 0-10 and boys aged 0-4 years. For family photos just keep outfits classic and simple, avoid patterns and bright clashing colours, unless that’s the look you are going for. I provide all the outfits, props and decorations for all newborn, cakesmash and style sessions. If you have personal items you would like included in your session please bring them along, but let me know first so I can select appropriate backgrounds.
- Who can come to my session and be photographed?
This depends on your session, I can accommodate family groups of up to 20 people, pets are welcome, just let me know in advance who you intend to bring along and I can advise the best session for you.
- What if I don’t like the photographs you have taken, can I have a refund/ re-shoot?
Honestly this has never happened, you will love them, It’s my job to create the best possible images you will cherish. But if you have a very specific look/style you would like your images to have just let me know so I can make sure I create the look you are going for.
It’s all about planning and I will help with that. But it is your responsibility to make sure you schedule your shoot at a time that is best for a successful session for example avoid bringing a tired hungry toddler to the studio, so let’s not schedule your session at nap or lunch time.
Plan your outfits (I can help you) make sure everyone is ready, hair brushed, makeup done, nails clean and tidy etc. - What if my child doesn’t sit still or has a tantrum and we don’t get any nice shots?
I have years of experience with children of all ages and I have lots of patience. As long as your child is in good health and well rested (avoid nap times for your shoot) and is well fed (avoid lunch time) we should be good to go.
It’s very often the adults that unknowingly make sessions run much less successfully then they could.
So here are a few tips to think about for a successful stress free session-Children can sense parent anxiety, sometimes it’s best to not even mention the photoshoot, especially if you are going to say things like ‘you be good for the photographer’’ ’you better smile’ ‘you be good and I will buy you a treat’ etc etc. It can sometimes add to the pressure and can make children stressed beforehand, then I have to work even harder to convince them that it will be fun.
Try not to be late, rushing can make everyone stressed. leave with enough time to get here.
Have a quiet morning before your session. Sessions can sometimes be quite tiring for little ones so avoid lots or activities before arriving for your session.
Dress your children in something that is photoshoot appropriate (even if they might be wearing studio outfits) just in case they don’t want to get changed when they arrive.
At the session avoid tying to make them smile, that’s my job, just sit back and relax and let me get on with it, avoid singing and clapping and jumping up and down especially larger family groups, this can be very distracting and overwhelming for a little one. Plus if you want them looking at the camera, they won’t if you are distracting them.
Avoid offering snacks of any kind (or even mentioning that you have snacks for after). They can go an hour without food, bring out the snacks (if you have too) once the session is over, but not while the session is still in progress, it can lead to an all out tantrum when snacks are involved.
Avoid using your phone or tablet as something to distract them with, often once this has been brought out there is no turning back and unless you want your child looking dazed and staring into space or crying for your phone in all your images it’s not a good idea, this is also the case for anything else you don’t want in your images such as car keys, brightly coloured plastic toys etc etc.
And lastly just relax and enjoy your session it’s going to be amazing
- Can I have all the un edited digital files from my shoot?
I don’t offer this as an option, but you will see all your captured images and I will help you select the best images to order. I don’t take hundreds of images it’s quality over quantity so you really don’t need the images you haren’t selected these images will either be very similar to an image you have ordered, or an unflattering image you are not in love with.
- Do you do home sessions?
I don’t usually offer home sessions, however it can be arranged at an extra cost. This will depend on your location and reason for a home visit. I highly recommend coming to the studio I have everything needed for a successful session.
- How many different setups/outfit changes images can I have at my session?
This will depend on the session you have selected. At a full newborn session I aim to create 5 completely different setups with a few different poses within each setup. For all other sessions, this depends on the session you have booked and the cooperation of the participants.
- How much is it if I just want digitals?
Digital images are in no way a lesser product than printed products, and are not necessarily the cheapest option. I offer different packages that include a set number of digital images, extra images can be purchased from any session and start from £65-£35 each depending on your selected package
- Do you have any offers on at the moment?
On occasion I run promotions on selected sessions, This is done only a handful of times a year, if you purchase a package at our exhibition stand at the baby and toddler show at Sandown Park. Or around Christmas time I often run a promotion.
To check if I have any current promotions running get intouch or follow me on social media.
all promotions are subject to terms and conditions and will not be extended after they have ended. - Do you offer discounts?
My prices are very carefully set and are not up for negotiation. However I do offer a discount for returning clients, or if you are booking more than 1 session
- What days and times do sessions take place?
The studio is open by Appointment only, please contact me for my availability or check the book now part of my website. Sessions tend to run Monday-Saturday 10.30am or 12pm
- Do you shoot newborn sessions at the weekend?
Saturday is usually my busiest day of the week, and set aside for family sessions, because of this I don’t usually offer Saturday appointments for newborn sessions. However on occasion I can make exceptions, if I have the availability.
- What is your availability? how soon in advance do I need to book my newborn session?
All my available dates can be found on my book now section of the website. I only shoot one newborn a day, and often I will require a back up date in case your baby is born overdue, because of this it is best to book as far in advance as possible, I suggest getting in touch at around 28-32 weeks pregnant. This will insure that you can have the best possible dates available around your due date.
If you are past 32 weeks or baby has already been born please get in touch, I may still have some dates available, I often have last minute appointments when my scheduled newborns are overdue.
- How many photos will you take?
This depends on a few factors, I always aim to achieve as much diversity and variety as I can within your session, but I do shoot with your chosen package in mind so if 5 images are included I will aim to shoot 5 poses. The number of images captured is not limited and will fundamentally depend on the setups I am creating and the time it takes to achieve them.
- How much are extra images?
Extra digital images are £65-£35 each depending on the package of your choice. session fees do not include images.
- What experience do you have?
I’ve been a fully qualified professional photographer since 2001. Completing a degree with honours in photography as well as continuing education in newborn photography, Im also fully trained in newborn safety and paediatric first aid. My studio opened in a commercial space in Hercies road in 2011 and moved to my current premises in 2023
I specialise in Newborn and child photography and I have won many national and international awards for my work.
- Do you have costumes/outfits?
Yes I have an extensive wardrobe of beautiful outfits, many of which are one off couture, I have ladies gowns to fit all sizes in a variety of styles and colours, I also have boy outfits 0-4 years and girls outfits from 0-11 years old. I don’t however provide older boys and men’s outfits.
- For cake smash do you provide the cake?
Yes I provide the cake, unless your child suffers from any allergies then I kindly ask you to provide the cake, or I can use one of my artificial cakes.
- What’s the difference between a style session and other sessions?
Style sessions are done on set weekends throughout the year and are mini sessions 30mins. Each style session has a specific theme usually fairy or Christmas although on occasion I may do another special style session. If I have any style sessions coming up these are usually advertised on my social media
- Will you use my images for advertising and online?
With permission from you I would love to use your images on my website and my social media posts, I’m proud of my work and would love to show other potential clients what I can do, as a small Buisness it really helps, also I love to sometimes enter them into competitions. however if you would prefer I didn’t used your images just let me know and I won’t use them.
- What if I’m late for my session?
If you are late the time will be taken out of your allocated studio time.
- When will I view my images to order?
You will get to see your amazing images directly after your session on the same day. Your images will be ready approximately 20 minutes after your session for you to view and order your favourites. I don’t offer online viewing.
- When will my order be ready?
When an order is placed it usually takes between 4-6 weeks to complete, this will depend on the products you have ordered and how quickly you can approve your final proofs.
- Can I pick exactly what setups I would like?
When you have booked with me I will send you over a prep questionnaire where you can add your favourite images from my website, then I can get a feel for the type of images you would like. All my sets are build bespoke so they are never exactly the same, but I will do my best to create your dream session. Some setups take longer to achieve then others so depending on your selection I may not be able to create them all in one sitting. I will advise you what is possible and how to make the most of your session.
- How do I book?
You can pay for your session on my website and I will contact you shortly after to book a date or if you prefer you can contact me first to check my availability around your dates, if I have availability you can go ahead and pay your deposit online. Once you have paid I will be intouch to get you booked in. You will then be sent over your T’s and C’s agreement and your prep questionnaire, you will need to fill this in so I can start planning your amazing session.
- Why are you more expensive then some other photographers?
Searching for a photographer on cost comparison alone is like comparing the price of costume jewellery to real diamonds or designer shoes with £4 plimsoles, I could go on with many different analogies but I’m sure you get the idea. My pricing is competitive in line with other photography studios with a similar level of expertise and service. I’m also very open with my prices so you can see the price in total ahead of time, instead of cheap deposit prices and much higher prices after the photo session.
My clients do not book me on price alone they book for my beautiful work and experience to deliver stunning images every time. I am very proud of the work I produce and have developed a unique style over many years. My Moto is always quality over quantity. It’s not important how many images you receive but how beautiful those images are, after all it’s unlikely you would hang 20 portraits on your wall. - Can you pencil me in for a date, and I will pay later?
I am unable to hold any dates until the deposit has been paid, you can do this online. I get a lot of enquiries and my diary would be impossible to manage if I started holding dates while people make up their minds.
- Why do I have to pay a deposit in advance?
A deposit for your date must be purchased in advance to secure that date. I will be turning away other potential sessions on your date, which I am not willing to do without a monetary commitment from you.
- What products do you offer?
My digital images are my most popular, but I also create amazing bespoke wall products including acrylics and luxury frames. I also create beautiful albums, I can show you examples of these at your viewing session.
- Can I get the Copyrights to my images?
Copyright is often misunderstood, the copyright is always held with the original creator of the work. What you are really asking for is the right to use/reproduce that work. When purchasing a digital image from me I am selling you the permission to use that image for your own personal use in a non commercial way. You can print that image, you can display that image in your home, you can share that image on your social media and you can give it as a gift to friends and family. But if you wanted to use that image for monetary gain that would be a breach of my copyright. For example if you wanted to use that image for your business or sell that image to another business my commercial rates would apply and a different written agreement would be needed.